Transparency is the clear winner.

Leigh Fatzinger
3 min readFeb 10, 2022

As where we work continues to evolve, so does the way we communicate and interact internally. Maintaining a great culture, strong core values, and consistent access to information has become more challenging in this environment. But it’s a worthy challenge.

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Good internal communication has never been more critical. Leaders have more tools at their disposal to distribute information and generate near real-time feedback. But they are underutilized. Leaders have a responsibility to encourage and facilitate transparency, even when the news is bad.

When measuring the effectiveness of internal communications initiatives, make sure to measure engagement — how many employees are viewing, commenting, clicking, and responding to content. At Turbine Labs, we encourage customers to seek an overall engagement rate greater than 70%. If engagement falls below that, it could be a sign that trust and authenticity are waning.

  • Empathize much? The CEO of which fintech company recently faced public backlash after firing nearly 900 employees simultaneously over Zoom? (answer below)

Transparency tends to win — so err on the side of presenting challenging news upfront when trying to keep employees informed and engaged. I’d love to hear your thoughts or successes on this topic.



Leigh Fatzinger

Just a guy with a wife, two sons and a dog who likes to tell stories.